With experience rendering expert written and verbal opinions, giving depositions and appearing at trial in several states, I am one of the few individuals qualified to speak specifically about spa and massage related issues. The standard of care in the realms of massage therapy and spa services can fluctuate from state to state, yet certain underlying principles and agreed-upon assumptions across the industry can and should be observed. These are most typically cited in the areas of:
- sexual harassment
- proper draping procedures
- defining specific body areas where touch is or is not appropriate during massage therapy sessions
- what constitutes inappropriate touch?
- full and proper standards of spa employee training
- oversight of employee activities and guest interactions
- spa and massage product liability issues
My opinions are based on 30 years experience and documented in my widely used textbooks in the massage/spa industry. Trained as a spokesperson, I am articulate, thoughtful and thorough. My goal is to represent your clients well through a detailed analysis of the specific situation.
If you are interested in exploring a case with me, please take a look at my Retainer Agreement. You may also wish to download and read my trade magazine article on risk management in the spa. If you believe my background and approach may be of benefitĀ for your case, send a message here or send an email to steve(at)royaltreatment(dot)com.
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